Using Generative AI to Uplevel People & Talent


Generative AI is a type of artificial intelligence (AI) that can create new content, such as text, images, or music. It accomplishes this by learning from a dataset of existing content and then using that knowledge to generate new content that is similar to the training data.

Generative AI is still under development, but it harbors the potential to vastly influence recruiting and HR/people operations. Here are some ways it can be used:

Potential Use Cases

  • Analyze historical data: Generative AI can be used to analyse historical data, such as job postings, employee skills, and organizational goals, to identify trends and patterns in the skills that are in demand. This information can be used to forecast the skills that the organization will need in the future.


  • Identify emerging trends: Generative AI can be used to identify emerging trends in technology, business, and society. This information can be used to predict the skills that will be in demand in the future.


  • Model the workforce: Generative AI can model the workforce, including the skills that employees have, the skills they are developing, and the skills they need to be successful. This data can be used to identify gaps in the skills of the workforce and develop strategies to fill them. 


  • Match talent with opportunities: Generative AI can be used to alert internal and external candidates who may be a good fit for a particular job opening or to recommend training programs that would help an employee develop the skills they need for a promotion.

Laszlo Bock, the former SVP of People Operations at Google, has said that generative AI has the potential to revolutionize recruiting and HR. He also acknowledged that there are some potential risks associated with generative AI. However, he believes that the benefits of generative AI outweigh the risks.

Risks to Consider

  • Job displacement: Generative AI could potentially displace some human jobs in recruiting and HR. However, it is also likely to create new jobs, such as those involved in developing and maintaining generative AI systems.


  • Data privacy: Generative AI systems require access to large amounts of data. This raises concerns about data privacy and security.


  • Bias: Generative AI systems can be biased, just like human-made systems. This is because they are trained on data that is collected from the real world, which is often biased.


We must ensure that generative AI is not used to replace human judgment in recruiting and talent. Human judgment is still essential for making the best hiring and talent decisions. We will always need to keep the “Human” in Human Resources.

Benefits of Accessibility and Impact

One remarkable benefit of generative AI is enhanced creativity and accessibility of information. It can be used by anyone to provoke new ideas and solutions for recruiting and HR problems. This means that anyone who can query the database has the potential to positively impact and improve the overall effectiveness of the function.

Current Use Cases

Many companies are already employing generative AI in the following areas:

  • Automate tasks: Generative AI can automate tasks such as writing job descriptions and screening resumes for advanced review. This can free up recruiters to focus on more strategic tasks, such as building relationships with candidates and making hiring decisions.


  • Personalize the experience: Generative AI can be used to personalize the recruiting experience for each candidate. This can be done by tailoring job descriptions, interview questions, and onboarding materials to the candidate’s individual skills and interests.


  • Generate creative content: Generative AI can be used to generate creative content for recruiting campaigns, such as job postings, social media posts, and video ads. This can help to attract more attention and generate more interest in open positions.


  • Analyze data: Generative AI can be used to analyze data from the recruiting process, such as resumes, interview transcripts, and employee surveys. This data can be used to identify trends, patterns, and insights that can improve results and seek to reduce bias to improve the overall recruiting process.

Generative AI is a powerful tool that has the potential to revolutionize recruiting and HR. However, it is important to use it responsibly and ethically. Through careful consideration of the potential benefits and risks, we can ensure that generative AI is used to up level recruiting and HR processes. Key Search is committed to using and sharing this technology in a way that benefits both candidates and businesses alike, promising transparency, fairness and privacy.

For more information or to learn more about using Generative AI to uplevel recruiting and talent contact:

Christine Eckhaus, US Partner, Key Search
📞 925-788-9470

Learn how generative AI is transforming recruiting and HR processes with Key Search. Explore the benefits and applications of AI in talent acquisition and management. Discover how AI can enhance your recruitment strategies and improve efficiency. Stay ahead in the competitive job market by leveraging cutting-edge technology.

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